In middle school Jayden Teeters joined AVID to help keep her Grade Point Average (GPA) up and to secure college scholarships. Teeters was reluctant to join but her father made sure she did to help with the expenses of college. Teeters had mentioned a teacher that made her glad she joined AVID.
“So, when I got to Avid the first year, Padilla just made me like it, because he’s a good teacher.”
To help to get college scholarships Teeters also joined the National Honors Society (NHS) to help better her chances.
When asked about how she was invited to join NHS she said, “I didn’t know that was a thing until they handed me the pamphlet. So, when they came in with this big yellow folder, and they’re like, here you go, I was like what the heck is this? So I opened it and then I was like oh, because I didn’t know we had NHS here.” Teeters Said “But really, NHS gives you good scholarships, so that was the main reason I did it, because I’m not trying to be in debt after college.”
Teeters is interested in becoming a veterinarian, but she still isn’t sure which college she wants to attend yet. She has applied to three colleges and has been accepted to three others, Nebraska, WSU and Newman.
Teeters Said “I don’t know yet, but at least there’s schools I can pick from if I need to.”
Teeters has managed to keep her grades as straight A’s her whole high school career, making it into the 10%.
“Well, freshman classes aren’t hard; to be honest so I got A’s. I was like, you know what? Let’s just see how long I can keep it up. And then they were talking about valedictorians and stuff sophomore year. So, I was like, let’s try to be valedictorian.” Teeters said, “If you already did it three years, gotta do it the fourth year.” She says that making it to the top 10% wasn’t particularly hard “You have to almost ace your every Final to keep an A and if your A is like kind of low but to be honest no I mean if you do your work then you’re fine.”
Teeters signed up for TRIO which she explains about what TRIO does.
Teeters said, “They take you to you sign up, and they just take you to college visits, and then they’ll help you with like, SAT or ACT prep but it’s really just so you go to see colleges.”
Teeters is taking an Advanced Placement (AP) class, AP statistics, for the first time but throughout her high school career she has taken one or two honors classes each year. Teeters thinks people should challenge themselves by taking honors classes as well.
“Yeah. I mean, to be honest, honors aren’t much harder than your regular class, but honors helps you more if you’re going to go into an AP class. So like I took Chau’s honors algebra two, and I felt like that helped me more for AP Stats.”
Teeters is also involved in extracurricular classes, being in band playing the clarinet which she has been playing since she was in sixth grade and Teeters is a section leader and has been for almost 4 years now. Section leaders have to do quite a bit of work, but Teeters does not seem to mind doing the hard work that her position comes with.
“So during marching band, you take attendance of your section, you hand out the music that we put in our flip folders, which is just what’s on our instrument to read the music while we play, then you make sure everyone’s there, you teach them how to march and you teach them how to play the music. You also make sure everyone has rides to football games and then during concerts you have to do sectionals so for example, I’ll take them in during Academy time and make them play our concert band music and I help them with certain areas that they struggle with and then I just make sure everyone shows up and does their stuff.” Teeters Said “When football and basketball season comes around band is practicing to play during the games” Teeters Said “football and basketball season is our busiest time because we go to the football games and basketball games and every home game band will be here for that so we have to learn pep band music when basketball season starts.”
Teeters is also a volleyball player. She is in a weights class to get stronger for volleyball and to get a higher vertical jump. Teeters hopes to continue playing volleyball in college if she gets the chance to unlike the clarinet which she just wants to do in her spare time.